The Learning ScoreCard:
Α Completely New Approach to Measuring the ROI of Learning
One of the most daunting challenges for learning teams is reporting the impact of learning. Your organization spends significant resources building learning experiences. Your learners invest a lot of time in the learning experiences you’ve created. How do you know whether they are making a difference? Sure, you have Kirkpatrick’s model. You know about measuring learner reaction and tracking progress on knowledge checks. But can you tie that to changes in their behavior? Can you report your findings to those who oversee your budget in a dashboard they can understand?
The honest answer for many teams is, probably not. In a recent survey of learning leaders, almost half reporting being dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their current learning measurements. Over 80% said they plan to improve or increase their learning measurement capabilities in the next 24 months.
The Learning ScoreCard will change:
- What you measure
- How you measure
- How you report the impact of your learning.
- It will help clarify the return on learning for leaders in the C-Suite and empower learning teams to know what is working and what is not working.
During this session, we will:
- Review why measuring, tracking, and reporting Return On Investment is vital to your success
- Explore a completely new system developed by MindSpring’s experts, called “The Learning ScoreCard”
- Watch a demo of the Learning ScoreCard showing how to measure, track, and report the key metrics of learning impact