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A mockup of a laptop with the image of a young L&D Caucasian women looking at a whiteboard with writing and sticky notes, a blue andgreen gradient color block overlaying her with the webinar title: Mastering the Mix: Strategic Approaches to Learning Content
Custom Content

Mastering the Mix: Strategic Approaches to Learning Content

It’s a common frustration to blend off-the-shelf with custom content to create engaging learning experiences that align with your business needs and unique challenges. Balancing budgets, navigating diverse organizational perspectives, and considering learner preferences (to name a few) can be overwhelming—all while avoiding costly missteps that hinder progress. Mastering the Mix: Strategic Approaches to Learning Content—it’s a significant challenge to manage.

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Learning Science

Building an Effective Learning Strategy: 12 Key Questions

Are you looking to align your learning initiative with your business goals? Join us as our learning experts dive into 12 key questions that build the foundation for an effective learning strategy that aligns with your business objectives and goals.

In this session, you will be able to:
• Ask the foundational questions for building a learning strategy
• Recognize the impact of learning science in your strategy
• Identify common strategic pitfalls

Walk away with a practical guide that will properly address the needs of your learners and the business, enabling you to build an effective learning strategy and help your company confidently achieve its business goals.

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Data-Driven Decision Making: Using Analytics for L&D ROI

Are you looking to connect learning performance with business outcomes? Not sure how to use data to make decisions about your learning engagements? The task of measuring the impact of your learning investments is often challenging, especially with the perception that data might not be readily available—but that’s not necessarily true.

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Immersive Learning

AR You Ready or Not? An 8-Point Readiness Assessment for Augmented Reality

Is your organization truly prepared to adopt Augmented Reality (AR)? The key to a successful AR implementation lies in the technology itself and a comprehensive understanding of your organization and your learners. In this webinar, we delve into the critical questions that will determine your organization’s readiness to embrace AR.

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Immersive Learning

AR/VR/MR: Building Incredible Learning Experiences In Extended Reality

Augment Reality (AR). Virtual Reality (VR). Mixed Reality (MR).

Is using these incredible technologies in learning possible now without breaking your budget? Which reality is the right choice for your learning team and your learners? Can your learning team build them now or will you need to outsource the work to someone else? Do you need expensive software coders to accomplish your goals?

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The Learning ScoreCard: Α Completely New Approach to Measuring the ROI of Learning

One of the most daunting challenges for learning teams is reporting the impact of learning. Your organization spends significant resources building learning experiences. Your learners invest a lot of time in the learning experiences you’ve created. How do you know whether they are making a difference? Sure, you have Kirkpatrick’s model. You know about measuring learner reaction and tracking progress on knowledge checks. But can you tie that to changes in their behavior? Can you report your findings to those who oversee your budget in a dashboard they can understand?

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Building A True Learning Experience Game: Decision Points, Design Steps & Development Tips

You already know that games can be powerful tools for enhancing learning experiences. But what happens when you want to move beyond including gamification elements in traditional eLearning? What is it like to create an actual game that motivates and fully engages your audience? How will you know it’s time to move to a true game? How are such things actually achieved?

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Curriculum Mapping

A Step-By-Step Guide To Nail Your Training Needs Analysis: 7 Essential Elements

Kathryn, the chief learning officer of a large manufacturing company, was recently handed a challenge. Her company acquired another company and was growing from 4,500 to 7,000 team members in a matter of weeks. Kathryn’s learning team had to figure out how to provide world-class learning experiences while speeding up their transition to digital. What she needed was a thorough needs analysis. The learning experts at Inno-Versity are going to tell the story of Kathryn’s needs analysis journey.

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3 Pillars That Should Be The Foundation Of Your Learning Objectives

Almost every learning leader has struggled to develop clear, achievable, and definitive learning objectives. Inno-Versity has helped corporate, non-profits, and higher education clients around the world to clearly define and achieve their learning goals. We call it the Know/Do/Believe triangle. While there certainly will be crossover, focusing on what you want learners to know, be able to do, or believe at the end of a learning experience will strengthen your learning objectives and help you achieve them.

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Why Microlearning Is A Game Changer For Your Training Programs

Microlearning is a wonderful tool for delivering great bite-sized learning content when and where learners need it. More precisely, it is learning suitable for maximum retention and behavioral change. In this way, employees and students can rapidly and efficiently develop their skills and deepen their knowledge. Furthermore, the use of microlearning is effective in specialized training programs, national and international organizations, and educational initiatives.

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Remote Learning

Rapid Custom Training Development For Remote Learners

No doubt, the learning needs your workforce faces today are like none you’ve seen before. The world is evolving rapidly. That is, you need to take into consideration your remote learners’ needs. Furthermore, you need to adapt your rapid custom training development approach to these changes in order to achieve successful learning outcomes.

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