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A mockup of a laptop with the image of a young L&D Caucasian women looking at a whiteboard with writing and sticky notes, a blue andgreen gradient color block overlaying her with the webinar title: Mastering the Mix: Strategic Approaches to Learning Content
Custom Content

Mastering the Mix: Strategic Approaches to Learning Content

It’s a common frustration to blend off-the-shelf with custom content to create engaging learning experiences that align with your business needs and unique challenges. Balancing budgets, navigating diverse organizational perspectives, and considering learner preferences (to name a few) can be overwhelming—all while avoiding costly missteps that hinder progress. Mastering the Mix: Strategic Approaches to Learning Content—it’s a significant challenge to manage.

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Custom Content

Custom vs. Off-the-Shelf Content: Integrating Both for a Well-Rounded Learning Strategy

Choosing between custom and off-the-shelf learning content is not about selecting one over the other but understanding how to effectively integrate both to build a comprehensive learning strategy. Each type of content serves unique purposes and, when used synergistically, can greatly enhance the learning experience, catering to immediate needs while fostering long-term growth and adaptability within an organization.

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