Our Work

Learn how we've worked with clients to build successful digital experiences.

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Case Studies

Course Audit for a Company in the E-Commerce Industry

A leading organization offering a high-value training program aimed at teaching clients how to run successful e-commerce businesses approached MindSpring to address a critical issue….

Motor Vehicle Manufacturers’: Adoption, Job Analysis, Curriculum Mapping & Learning Design Roadmap

The addition of new plants, new programs, and increased turnover underscored the need for a standardized training program to set expectations and provide just-in-time learning…

Needs Assessment for a Company in the Beverage Industry

The beverage company’s processing department faced critical challenges, including costly production errors, overburdened supervisors, and a lack of structured onboarding processes. A thorough Needs Assessment…

Enhancing Diabetes Care Training for Diverse Healthcare Providers

The American Diabetes Association (ADA) faced a significant challenge in training a diverse audience of healthcare providers who, while not specializing in diabetes, played a…

Immersive Work Instructions

A global manufacturer approached MindSpring with a challenge: could an AR experience be designed to capture the knowledge of their own expert, package it, and…

Expert Knowledge Transfer

MindSpring created, captured, and curated a series of first person Point-of-View (POV) videos of subject matter experts (SMEs) performing critical processes. Once the footage was…

AR / Oil & Gas

Lockout Tagout AR Training

Utilizing ProVizXR, we designed a step-by-step process for quickly setting up and managing Augmented Reality product visualizations. Employees spend less time training and committing errors to improve efficiency in development and operations.

This client was looking to eliminate injuries and environmental accidents by providing an advanced level of safety training for their employees on the Lockout, Tagout process.

Safety is the key.  We needed to create a solution that saved lives and provided a higher level of protection for the environment.

We developed an easy-to-use, easy to manage, Augmented Reality product visualization and validation tool. This step-by-step program removed all guesswork for the operator, ensuring proper processes and procedures are followed explicitly. The Validation Tool provided a digital paper trail for management and legal.

Virtual Reality experience with person practicing proper aseptic gowning and safety techniques


Immersive VR Training

We designed a VR solution that provides a fully immersive experience to teach proper aseptic gowning techniques to keep employees safe and reduce waste.

Employees at a bio-solutions company are often required to wear various levels of aseptic protective gowning before entering certain parts of their facilities.

The process and technique of applying this protective gowning is time-consuming to teach, and poor implementation results in contamination to gowning and work environments. Contamination wastes hundreds of thousands of dollars in clean-up and replacement annually.

By collaborating with their subject matter experts, our developers created an immersive VR training course that teaches the correct process and technique for applying aseptic gowning materials faster, with fewer errors, and with a much lower risk of contamination. 

Our VR solution now gives employees a fully immersive experience where they were able to apply protective garments at their own pace with full-body control and gamification elements. The training guides and tests continuously, ensuring that they learn the proper robing(can we stay consistent with “gowning”) techniques to keep them safe and reduce waste.


Just-In-Time AR Training

A fully interactive eLearning course to eliminate the need for difficult and time-consuming ILT training.

After a thorough discovery process we assessed that our client had limited experts able to cover their technical machinery at any given time, and very low employee cross-pollination from machine to machine. This made it difficult to maintain efficiency during periods of higher turnover as they were constantly pulling experts away from their work to train new team members.

We needed to find an easier and faster way to improve cross-functionality and train multiple employees, so they were competent in working with a variety of complex and fairly intricate pieces of equipment.

We developed an Augmented Reality Cheat Sheet for just-in-time training. This XR training solution allows users to create efficient and highly effective AR training content that is easily built and customizable on the fly, in AR. This allows for immersive training that builds muscle memory from the very beginning and encourages higher retention of processes overall.

AR experience showcasing warehouse manufacturing training
Click and drag virtual 360 experience for furniture company

VR / Furniture

Immersive Showroom

A virtual showroom allowing remote participants to navigate throughout a display space as if they were attending a trade show in person. We included interactive product information call-outs and full narration for a fully immersive experience.

A furniture manufacturer wanted to digitize their massive 2018 showroom for the largest conference for the commercial design industry. The company wanted to ensure that their hard-earned efforts were both archived for the future and easily accessible for furniture dealers around the world who couldn’t attend the conference. The experience needed to expose all dealers to the same messaging, the same product stories, and the same sense of presence as the convention center – and it needed to be developed, tested, and launched two days before the doors opened to the public.

Our developers captured and created a realistic virtual reality (VR) representation of their full showroom. By creating most of the elements ahead of time in a 3D virtual world, we expedited the post-photography workload in order to meet the tight turn-around deadline. The solution is web-based, easy to access, flawlessly representative of the showroom, and contains all of the branding and messaging as in-person attendees would have experienced.

The solution is web-based, easy to access, flawlessly representative of the showroom, and contains all of the branding and messaging in-person attendees would have experienced.

AR / Entertainment

Game Face Sweepstakes Campaign

MindSpring teamed up with a national broadcast company to create a full 360 campaign that integrated television, web, and AR to create increased value for the brands they represent and their overall audience.

As the leader in sports media coverage, a national broadcast company was looking to expand their sales and marketing offerings to include augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and emerging technologies, and they needed a partner to help supplement their core broadcast offerings and create new revenue streams.

We partnered  to devise a full 360 campaign that integrated television, web, social media, and AR to create increased value for the teams and brands they represent and overall audience.

By merging the worlds of traditional media and AR we were able to enhance fan engagement and vendor promotion through an AR based game based on social media to promote a product promoted sweepstakes.

Interactive eLearning Experience


Interactive eLearning Courses

Learning from the experiences of actual IBOs, as well as the expertise of experienced coaches and subject matter experts,  MindSpring integrates eLearning, interactive video, and mentoring into a series of story arcs (scenario-based learning), taking participants through a sales role with their company.

The curriculum had been developed over the course of a decade, by many different vendors and internal staff with no cohesive look, feel, or structure between courses. Many courses were very long. Most courses were not page-turners and not very engaging. The curriculum was not available on mobile making it difficult to get learners to take courses and even more difficult to get them to continue taking courses. Current curriculum was over 30+ hours of seat time

Create an entire curriculum and make it mobile-friendly, U35, bite-sized and engaging while making the learner feel like they are part of a team and that this content is relevant enough that they should take the time to learn it.     

Included interactions: Gamification, Choose Your Own Adventure, Evergreen Retail, Hyperextended Information.

Create a fully immersive learning environment using interactive video and a series of course and curriculum story arcs, where the learner is an active member of a sales team put into situations where they need to use their own knowledge and that of the team to solve the problems that actual Independent Business Owners (IBO) face on a daily basis.

ELEARNING / manufacturing

Gamified Training Courses

SAL & PAULY’S Pizza Shop is an animated interactive game designed specifically to help employees learn the SAP system. This game provides context to the principles of SAP and lean manufacturing, translating what might be confusing or tedious numbers into engaging interactions that educate employees using the latest technology available.

A furniture manufacturer switched their ERP service to SAP. This change rippled through every plant. Employees on the plant floor didn’t understand the process, weren’t making the correct decisions and were struggling with the concepts. As a result, training was called and in-class training began, but the workers had no context. They didn’t “get it.”

Create a context for the plant employees where they could understand the concepts of lean manufacturing and the way SAP worked on the plant floor. The result? Not only did the employees enjoy the experience but they were able to better understand complex principles by building off of the gaming exercise as a base for continued training.

We created an animated interactive game called “SAL & PAULY’S Pizza Shop.” The game worked on exactly the same rules and principles used by SAP on the plant floor. Every rule, every scan point, every order.

Plant employees were asked to play the game for the first 30 minutes of in-class training. They were ranked, scores were posted, prizes offered. They loved it.

For the rest of the two day training, instructors were able to reference the characters in the game and the situations that they were in to provide context to the principles of SAP and lean manufacturing and create a working relationship between the game and real life.


Interactive eLearning Courses

This interactive video training experience requires the learner to drive the training by answering “choose your own adventure” type questions as they move to solve their customer’s challenges.

Eliminate ILT training on electrical components and transition the training to eLearning. Reduce the complexity of the training and determine the best application context (ie: when and where).

Create a training that embeds the complex electrical knowledge into scenarios that are familiar use cases to Furniture dealers or designers.

Using actors and a narrative story line, a new furniture sales person along with our learner (who is an active character in the training) traverse the often complicated web of how to spec electrical components within a customer’s furniture floor plan. This interactive video training experience requires the learner to drive the training by answering “choose your own adventure” type questions as they move to solve their customer’s challenges.

ELEARNING / Restaurant

Restaurant Training

MindSpring developed application-based learning experiences that placed the learner in real-life scenarios that would prime the learner to perform hands-on tasks in a restaurant setting.

In the height of the pandemic, at-the-elbow learning became very challenging and the impact on learning, specifically for those performing hands-on tasks, was significant. 

Our client was looking for digital learning that would prime the learner to perform hands-on tasks in a restaurant setting. This included tasks such as cooking French fries, building and wrapping beef sandwiches, and correctly dressing a hot dog.  

Much of what needed to be learned were hands-on tasks, so building digital learning experiences that allowed the learner to practice in a safe environment was key.   

We developed application-based learning experiences that placed the learner in real-life scenarios. We used drag-and-drop interactions so that the learner could practice dressing a hot dog or wrapping a beef sandwich. We created scenarios where the learner had to determine what would happen next in a given process or identify red flags at work stations. In the end, the time invested in the digital learning left the learner prepared to perform a number of tasks at their restaurant.  

ELEARNING / Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity Awareness Training

We created a content rich, engaging story that motivates learners through a robust, gamified learning experience, built around a story where the learner has to face off against a fictional hacker.

Cybersecurity Awareness Training usually falls into two types of presentations. The first is a detailed and thorough presentation delivered in a dry clinical manner. While the content may be correct and extremely useful, learners are not motivated to engage with the material. They too often walk away having learned nothing.

The second is highly engaging and most often presented in the form of a live video. While interesting, the presentation is light on content and the learner walks away knowing little more than what they did when they started.  

We sought to minimize these weaknesses in typical Cybersecurity Awareness Training by creating a content rich, engaging story that motivates learners through a robust, gamified, learning experience.  

We created a 6-module learning experience built around a story where the learner has to face off against a fictional hacker armed with the knowledge and skills they have gained throughout the course. The game structure includes elements such as adventure, role-playing, strategy, and simulations.

Each module begins with a common cybersecurity situation faced by learners in their workplace. Learners study ways to avoid or prevent these threats and earn points based on their completion. Learners face the hacker in the final module where they must apply what they have learned one last time through a variety of assessment scenarios. If they meet this goal, they win the game.  If they do not, they are redirected to a menu of material for review based on the challenges they could not complete.  

ELEARNING / National Association



The National Roofing Contractors Association is responsible for providing training to 3,600 members.  The training needed to provide this training efficiently and effectively in a way that would recognize the geographic diversity of its members. The NRCA Master Roofer certification program needed to be a multi-year learning project consisting of sequenced modules that would lead to five certification levels culminating in Certified Master Roofer.

Modules were intentionally kept small and sequenced, so each of the five levels contains 3-8 modules. Learners have the opportunity to demonstrate competence to jump to the next module. They are also given detailed feedback for incorrect answers and could retake knowledge checks at the end of the module. Interacting with the assessment questions multiple times further reinforced learning. Each completed level resulted in a certification earned. The learner is required to achieve all certifications to become a Master Roofer.

Key metrics were determined before the development began and included time to completion, the percentage of learners who completed the training and achieved the status of Master Roofer, and learner feedback from surveys after the modules were completed. All metrics were met.

ELEARNING / Manufacturing



Manufacturing is in a constant state of change. Machines and processes are revised every year because of new technology and improved processes. Because the client had various global locations, it was imperative that the learning be thorough, accessible online, and in multiple languages.

Inno-Versity designed a custom learning solution to train employees at the machine without shutting down the production floor. The learning deliverable developed was a set of detailed, complex, and adaptive work instructions to standardize training for the client’s global operation.

With adequately trained personnel, crises were diverted, and the time, disruption, and expense of last-minute onsite visits became minimal. Learning was categorized and packaged for the learner to progress as quickly as the need dictated. Training materials were ready to go, and learning was no longer dependent on the mentor’s schedule.

Digital Showcase

With our in-house video production team, we can take your vision and bring it to life in new and exciting ways. Here’s a peek at some of the work we’ve done for our clients.